Classes run weekly June 3rd - August 1st, 2024. Classes do not meet over the week of July 4th.



See below for class descriptions, schedule, and registration!

All classes are open level unless otherwise indicated.

CLICK HERE for a Leveling Guide.

CLICK HERE for Class Policies.

Acting is more than just memorizing lines. It is using the knowledge we have about human psyche and behavior to make words on a page come to life. In this class, students will begin learning how to dissect a script and understand the importance of specific vocal and physical choices in the telling of a story.

Tuesdays 6:00pm - 7:00pm Instructor: GCPA Faculty CLICK HERE to enroll!

A show is nothing without costumes, props, and sets--what happens backstage is just as important as what's happening onstage! Students will get an in-depth look at what it takes to build a musical from the tech perspective. This creative element of theatre is one that is often overlooked, but there is fantastic artistic endeavor to be had in the world of theatrical design. Students will design costumes, build set design models, construct props, and paint backdrops for their favorite shows. In this class, explore your creative side like never before!

Tuesdays 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Instructor: GCPA Faculty CLICK HERE to enroll!

Looking for laughs? This class is a hysterical and fun way to develop your scriptless acting skills. Through games and fast paced activities, students will learn the basics of improvised comedy and how to tell a story on the spot!

Tuesdays 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Instructor: GCPA Faculty CLICK HERE to enroll!

Leaps and turns are some of the most exciting technical elements in dance! In this class, students will hone and expand their skills, focusing on leaps and turns from both Jazz and Ballet techniques.

Tuesdays 6:00pm - 7:00pm Instructor: GCPA Faculty CLICK HERE to enroll!

Combining ballet technique with style, students will gain strength, balance, and coordination that will then be applied to combinations from a variety of Broadway musicals. With an emphasis on character and story telling, students will learn to not only executive dances but also move and entertain their audience.

Tuesdays 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Instructor: GCPA Faculty CLICK HERE to enroll!

In this class, students will develop the three disciplines of Musical Theatre through exciting material chosen to expose them to both classical and contemporary styles.  Vocally, they will work on technique through proper breathing and sound production.  They will also learn fundamental musical theatre dance steps with an emphasis on execution and formations. Scene work will delve into character development and physicalization. 

Tuesdays 6:00pm - 7:00pm Instructor: GCPA Faculty CLICK HERE to enroll!